Trademark Class 13 - Fire Arms and Explosives
A trademark is a type of intellectual property consisting of a recognizable sign, design, or expression which identifies products or services of a particular source from those of others, although trademarks used to identify services are usually called service marks.
Trademark has a total of 45 classes and The manufacture of goods and services are grouped into different classes. Each class requires a different registration. This is a classification of almost 80,000 products and services and divided into two sections - Classes for Goods & Classes of Services. Here in this article, we will understand about Trademark class 12.

A trademark is a type of intellectual property consisting of a recognizable sign, design, or expression which identifies products or services of a particular source from those of others, although trademarks used to identify services are usually called service marks.
Trademark has a total of 45 classes and The manufacture of goods and services are grouped into different classes. Each class requires a different registration. This is a classification of almost 80,000 products and services and divided into two sections - Classes for Goods & Classes of Services. Here in this article, we will understand about Trademark class 12.
Trademark Class 13
Trademarks must be applied or registered under classes and each class represents a distinct class of goods or services. In this post, we comprehensively cover the goods which fall under Class 13 of trademark classification. As per the NICE classification heading for class 13 includes the class 13 comes under the classes of goods.
Types of goods come under Trademark Class 13
Ammunition and projectiles
Types of goods that do not come under Trademark Class 13
List Of Good Under Trademark Class 13
Air Pistols [Weapons]
Ammonium Nitrate Explosives / Nitrate Of Ammonia Explosives
Ammunition For Firearms
Artillery Guns [Cannons]
Ballistic Weapons / Ballistic Missiles
Belts Adapted For Ammunition
Bengal Lights
Breeches Of Firearms
Cartridge Cases
Cartridge Loading Apparatus
Cartridge Pouches
Cleaning Brushes For Firearms
Detonating Plugs
Detonating Fuses For Explosives / Firing Lanyards For Explosives
Detonating Caps Other Than Toys / Percussion Caps Other Than Toys
Explosive Cartridges
Explosive Powders
Apparatus For Filling Cartridge Belts
Automatic Firearm Ammunition Belts
Firing Platforms
Flare Pistols
Fog Signals, Explosive
Fuses For Explosives, For Use In Mines
Fuses For Explosives
Gun Carriages [Artillery]
Guncotton / Pyroxylin
Guns [Weapons]
Machine Guns
Gunstocks / Gun Stocks
Hammers For Guns And Rifles / Hammers For Guns / Hammers For Rifles
Hand Grenades
Harpoon Guns [Weapons]
Hunting Firearms / Sporting Firearms
Lead Shot For Hunting
Mines [Explosives]
Mortars [Firearms]
Motorized Weapons
Noise-suppressors For Guns
Pistols [Arms]
Powder Horns
Primings [Fuses]
Projectiles [Weapons]
Pyrophoric Substances
Pyrotechnic Products
Rifle Barrels / Gun Barrels
Rifle Cases / Gun Cases
Rifles / Carbines
Rocket Launchers
Rockets [Projectiles]
Shells [Projectiles]
Shoulder Straps For Weapons / Bandoliers For Weapons
Side Arms [Firearms]
Sighting Mirrors For Guns And Rifles / Sighting Mirrors For Guns / Sighting Mirrors For Rifles
Sights, Other Than Telescopic Sights, For Firearms
Sights, Other Than Telescopic Sights, For Artillery
Signal Rockets
Sprays For Personal Defense Purposes / Sprays For Personal Defence Purposes
Tanks [Weapons]
Tear-gas Weapons / Tear Gas Weapons
Trigger Guards For Guns And Rifles / Trigger Guards For Rifles
Trunnions For Heavy Weapons